01 4167700 24 Hour Service

Our Commitment to the Community

Rosary school 153 (1)As well as offering the highest standards of service and compassion, an important role for us is to give something back to the communities in which we are located. We regularly provide sponsorship and financial support to local charities, community associations and events.

Every month Fanagans staff contribute to a charity fund and the Company matches their financial contribution. This fund donates thousands of euro to a variety of deserving causes every year

Fanagans has a special relationship with the Irish Hospice Foundation, a national charity dedicated to all matters relating to dying, death and bereavement in Ireland. The Irish Hospice Foundation's vision is that no one should face death or bereavement without the care and support they need and their mission is to achieve dignity, comfort and choice for all people facing the end of life. On an annual basis Fanagans are pleased to sponsor two very important aspects of work carried out by the Hospice Foundation.

1.  Annual bereavement Seminar
2.  Over 20 Bereavement Training Workshops for professionals who work with all aspects of bereavement on a regular basis.